Led Watch Item ID: #1184

The Singularity

Product Information:

  • Red and Yellow LED’s
  • Time and Date function
  • Vertical columns for hours display in binary code
  • Horizontal row for minutes display in binary code
  • Normally sells for around USD200!

Item Description

Tap the display button on the right side of the timepiece and watch the screen light up. In Time mode, the vertical column represents hour information in binary code. The horizontal row represents minute information also in binary code. In Date mode, the vertical column represents the month, and the horizontal row represents the day of the month, in binary code. You decide whether you want the watch to display the time randomly (every 10 minutes or so) or only show the time when you tap the button. How’s that for c as in e=mc squared coolness?

In fact, when you start wearing this watch you may find yourself spending all your time writing strange mathematical equations across black boards. Yes, The Singularity LED Watch has been known to increase its wearers’ IQ by a googol order or two. Archimedes and Sir Isaac Newton were said to have each owned one and Marie Curie, winner of not one but two Nobel Prizes loved her Singularity watch dearly. In reality, this watch is perfect for aXXo, fans of the Torchwood British TV series, fans of the JPOP supergroup Perfume, The Twitterati, The Illuminati, or anybody who is a somebody.